How does one make accidentals in atonal music apply only to the adjacent note? Also, in a case where an ostinato would clearly state the key of d Flat in an otherwise atonal piece, should the accidentals be stated as flats or sharps? How does one override the default if necessary in that case? to start with, choose atonal in the key signature dialog; although this behaves like C major. Input the notes in whatever way you like and then run one of the plug-ins in the plug-ins > accidentals menu to tidy things up. There are four worth no about. Add accidentals to all notes This puts an accidental on every note in the score without exception. It takes its lead from whatever spellings are already in the score. EG: if you've input an F-sharp followed by a G-flat, they will both be spelt that way. Add accidentals to all sharp or flat notes This only adds accidentals to sharp and flat notes, and naturals which need to be identified as naturals because they follow a sharp or flat in the same bar. Spell sharps as flats This just respells every sharp as a flat. Respell flats as sharps Guess what! It turns flats into sharps. As for using sharps or flats in an ostinato, it's really down to personal choice. Give some thought to what is easiest for the instrument, but don't forget that F-sharp and G-flat are actually different notes. In some cases there is a good case for using a sharp over a flat. A useful keystroke is Enter, which respells an note with a different accidental. EG: F-sharp will become G-flat. This key also works on passages. One last thing to mention is cautionary accidentals. These will crop up all over the place if you start using the plug-ins above. A cautionary accidental is one which will always appear, no matter what you do to the other notes in the bar.