The table below lists the most important text styles and what they are used for. Name Used for… Staff text Expression …writing dynamics and expressive markings such as mp, cresc. and legato - Shortcut: Ctrl+E Technique …writing playing techniques such as “mute,” “pizz.”, etc. - Shortcut: Ctrl+T Lyrics line 1, Lyrics line 2 etc. …writing lyrics in vocal music - Shortcut: Ctrl+L (Line 1), Ctrl+Alt+L (Line 2) Chord symbol …writing e.g. Cm7 - Shortcut: Ctrl+K Plain text …writing blocks of lyrics, editorial commentaries, etc. Roman numerals …writing chord symbols with inversions in Roman numerals - see3.5 Figured bass and Roman numerals Figured bass …figuring continuo instruments in Baroque music - see3.5 Figured bass and Roman numerals Fingering …writing fingerings in e.g. keyboard, brass or string music Guitar fingering (p i m a) ...writing fingerings in guitar music Boxed text …writing certain playing techniques, e.g. in percussion Small text …writing certain playing techniques Nashville chord numbers …writing e.g. 6/3 - see3.4 Chord symbols Footnote …writing editorial commentaries at the bottom of a single page (not the same as Footer) System text Title …writing the title of the piece or movement Subtitle …writing subtitles (e.g. for a particular movement) Composer …writing the name of the composer (usually all in CAPITALS) or arranger/orchestrator (not in capitals) Lyricist …writing the name of the lyricist, poet, or other source of text Dedication …writing a dedication (e.g. To the choir of St. John’s) Tempo …writing tempo markings such as Andante - Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+T Metronome mark …writing metronome marks and metric modulations Copyright …writing copyright lines in your score Header etc. …writing a header on every page Footer etc.. …writing a footer on every page (not the same as Footnote) Rit./Accel. …writing particular tempo instructions Blank page text Composer (on blank page) …writing the name of the composer on a title page at the start of the score Dedication (on blank page) …writing a dedication on a title page at the start of the score Plain text (on blank page) …writing instrumentation, performance directions, etc. on blank pages Subtitle (on blank page) …writing a subtitle on a blank page Title (on blank page) …writing the title of the work on a title page at the start of the score