Playback of trills I've been looking through this aspect of the code and there are a few bugs here that I need to work out. That having been said, you can manipulate trills using the functions provided, you just need to be prepared for the fact that JAWS might not always say what you expect it to. The reason is that the JAWS cursor is doing a lot of work here and the wrong text is sometimes being spoken. Also, there are some mistakes in the milestone on this subject but I've written out some instructions below which I wrote whilst actually performing the steps in Sibelius, so the instructions are correct. The best way to explain how to change the playback of a trill is to give you a worked example. Note: these methods apply to other items including notes, hairpins, glissandos and other items. Important The keystroke for opening the list of playback properties is Alt+F5, not Windows+P as shown in the manual. I opened a piano score and added two half notes to bar one, a C5 on quarter 1 and a D5 on quarter 3. I then added a trill to the D from the lines dialog. The trill which Sibelius adds will start on the lower note and be a "diatonic" trill. This means that the upper note of the trill will come from the key. Since the key is C major the trill will be between D5 and E5. To have the trill start on the upper note do the following: 1. Press Alt+F5 to open the list of playback properties. This dialog will actually show the name "test". This is a bug which will be fixed. 2. From the list of options go to "Start on upper note". This should be the second control from the bottom. The option is followed by the text "check box not checked" which tells you that this checkbox is unchecked. 3. press enter on this option. JAWS will close the list box, move to the check box in the properties window and click it. JAWS will say something like "use live start position". This is another bug which needs handling. If you play the score then the trill should be starting on the upper note now. Also if you press Alt+F5 to bring up the list again, the "start on upper note" option will have the text "check box checked" after it. To change the upper note of the trill do the following: 1. Press Alt+F5 to open the playback properties list. 2. Find the option "diatonic trill". This will be followed by the text "check box checked". 3. Press enter on this option. JAWS will move to the properties window and click this check box. Now that this box is unchecked, an edit box becomes available which allows you to change the width of the trill 4. Press Alt+F5 again and find the option "half steps between notes". This will be followed by the text "edit 1". This tells you that this is an edit box containing the number 1. 5. Press enter on this option. You'll be placed in the edit box. 6. Use the standard editing keystrokes to enter a new value. The number represents the number of half steps (semi-tones) between the bottom note (which is fixed) and the upper note. So 1 means a trill over a semi-tone, 2 over a whole tone, 3 over a minor third, and so on. 7. When you've entered the new value, press Escape to return to the score. 8. When you play the score, the upper note will have changed. There are two other options will you can make use of. These are changed in the same way as the other options so I'll just describe them. Number of notes per second. This is an edit box which lets you change the speed of the trill. The normal number is 12 notes per second but you can pick any number you like. Play straight trill: When this box is unchecked, Sibelius will add a little randomness to the playback of the trill to make it sound more human. If you checked this box then you'll get the no nonsense Arny in a bad mood Terminator trill. Hope this helps. Dan Rugman